
Therapy Resources

By Ida Jeltova 01 May, 2024
"Difficult Feelings" often carry the most valuable and helpful messages. Read them with care and grow. They come up to signal to us that something needs to be notices, changed or understood.Feeling "triggered"? Let us unpack it! That is what Greatest Moments offers in therapy
Understanding Feelings Paves the Road to Self-Regulation
By Ida Jeltova 25 Apr, 2024
Working with Feelings: The most important—and often overlooked—step in developing real emotional wellness. In conversations about mental health, there’s often a focus on containing and controlling emotions: we want to lessen our sadness, transform our anger, and increase our joy. These goals certainly aren’t unreasonable—as adults, it is our responsibility to gain the tools we need to emotionally regulate so that we can show up for our responsibilities and be participants in our communities. As parents and teachers, we want to coach the children in using the effective constructive tools for self-regulation. But often the focus on changing or shrinking our emotions very often skips over one essential step: understanding that our feelings are functional—they have a purpose. Feelings aren’t just something to be passively tolerated—rather, they are messengers, communicating to us what we need at any given moment.
Fortifying Marriage Bonds
22 Feb, 2024
Life is a series of changes and adjustments, and successfully navigating through these various phases can significantly strengthen the connection between spouses. A flourishing relationship involves mutual growth and unwavering support during both the peaks and valleys of life. This is the foundation for building a resilient and loving partnership that endures over time.
Self-Regulation and Adjustment in School Environments
08 Feb, 2024
Dr. Ida Jeltova developed a coaching program to aid students struggling with self-regulation and adjustment in school. Drawing from over 30 years of experience, her team employs tailored approaches, blending psychotherapy methods, and collaborates with parents and educators. The program aims to build confidence and reduce anxiety for a positive learning experience.
Navigating New Beginnings
23 Jan, 2024
We all face challenges and transitions in life that can feel overwhelming or uncertain. But there's a secret power within us, a strength that's often underestimated - our natural resilience. This innate ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt to new circumstances can be nurtured and developed.
Depression and Sleep
08 Jan, 2024
The intricate relationship between depression and sleep is a topic of increasing relevance and concern in our fast-paced, stress-laden society. Many individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle where poor sleep exacerbates depressive symptoms, which in turn leads to further sleep disturbances. This bidirectional relationship creates a challenging scenario, demanding a nuanced understanding and approach.
Managing OCD
08 Dec, 2023
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors, which can significantly impact daily functioning. Individuals with OCD often face challenges in managing their symptoms, which can interfere with work, relationships, and general well-being. However, with appropriate strategies, it is possible to manage OCD effectively and enhance daily functioning. We will explore various approaches and techniques that individuals with OCD can use to cope with their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
Healing After Infidelity
By Ida Jeltova 09 Nov, 2023
Infidelity can shake the foundations of the most committed relationships, leaving a trail of hurt, distrust, and confusion. However, the aftermath of such betrayals doesn't always have to lead to an end but can be the start of a healing process for both partners. We will outline pathways couples can navigate through the turmoil of infidelity toward reconciliation and healing, emphasizing the necessity of patience, communication, and professional guidance.
Borderline Personality Disorder
08 Oct, 2023
Living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can present unique challenges, but effective coping strategies can lead to a better quality of life. Seeking guidance from a trusted therapist can provide invaluable support in navigating coping strategies and achieving well-being.
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Let's Talk

The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.

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